
MEMORY THETA: Where Federation secrets go to be forgotten...

The Greek letter Theta was used as an ancient symbol for death or danger. As the repository for technologies, artifacts, and knowledge deemed too dangerous for public awareness or even storage elsewhere, Memory Theta embodies the ancient legacy inherent to its name. Due to its highly classified contents and location, the facility and its staff have been given a quasi-mythical status among even the highest echelons of Starfleet.

Previous administrators have resigned from the post due to workplace stress and psychological strain. Retrieval missions are not for the faint of heart, having garnered an unofficial reputation of terror in the Starfleet grapevine. Whenever a Theta team shows up, it often means some type of horror is on the horizon.

Pay no mind to the domesticated Borg drone butlers.

Peruse the Memory Theta Archives if you dare, or contact us with an entry of your own—please use this template in your message.

Feel free to join us on Discord!

3-2-3 This simulation is rated 16+.

Latest News Items

» Memory Theta Birthday Extravaganza!

Posted on Mon Oct 3rd, 2022 @ 7:04pm by Captain Mrazak in General News

"Red Rover, Red Rover, on 31st of October
The Thetanomicon was written and wrought
What better reason than Halloween season
That Memory Theta never be forgot?

Five years ago in October of 2017, I stumbled through dark conjurings and profane utterances to install Nova into the database that would become Memory Theta. In commemoration of half a decade of awesome roleplay, I am pleased to initiate a special interlude that will send the Memory Theta team to Risa for a much-needed vacation. Of course, nothing ever seems to go according to plan, but that's always been half the fun. Thank you, one and all, for joining me on this journey of discovery and exploration into a side of Star Trek that had yet to be explored at the time of our beginning. I daresay that our not-so-humble sim has made an indelible mark on the simming community and perhaps sent waves clear up to the writing rooms of modern Trek production (I'm looking at you, Lower Decks!).

Kick back, run wild on Risa, and pat yourselves on the back for five years of greatness. Here's to five more!

» WarGames/Tournament of Sims 2021

Posted on Tue May 10th, 2022 @ 5:57pm by Captain Mrazak in General News

For the fourth year in a row, Memory Theta is recognized by the Tournament of Sims hosted by Ongoing Worlds (called WarGames this year as an anniversary for something or other). Only 25 out of 70 entrants scored high enough among the judges to be awarded and Memory Theta was among them. We got some interesting feedback which I wanted to pass along:

This sim does a great job with: Neat twist on posting, each post is 1
mission day. For a smaller sim, that's a good way to keep readers from
missing things.
One thing they could work on is: A lot of the posts seemed to be more
character driven than plot driven. Nothing wrong AT ALL with character
development, but keeping a balance of the two is helpful for readers.

This sim does a great job with setting the scenes and interactions between characters. I especially enjoy how well written the characters are. One thing they could work on nothing I can really find, only criticism I have is some of the posts are very very long which may cause people to lose interest or skip through.

This sim does a great job with general writing.
One thing they could work on is making things clearer, more detail.

Congratulations to you all and well done! The internet still things we're based. For more details and to check out other winners, follow the link below.

» The Simming Prize

Posted on Wed Feb 16th, 2022 @ 9:45pm by Captain Mrazak in General News

"One of the best role plays on the net today, Memory Theta excels in all aspects of simming. From deep character development to intricate plot devices to taking the unexpected turn, this crew always keeps things interesting. Their commitment to excellence has been recognized many times over, most recently by taking home top prize at the Tournament of Simulations."

The Simming Prize 2020

Truth be told, I had never heard of this particular award before, but it appears we were nominated multiple times last year since the explanation given includes our top place in last year's Tournament of Sims. I have no idea who nominated because I had no idea we were nominated. Congratulations on becoming internet famous!

» Post of the Month

Posted on Sat Aug 14th, 2021 @ 1:57pm by Captain Mrazak in General News

The 22nd Fleet awarded Memory Theta the Bronze Post of the Month award for our venture into the Gothic Apple Store in "Sympathy From the Devil". Congratulations to JakeSjet, James, Kos, Intumesce, TheDoctor, AlphaJuliet, and orionSquared for making that one so memorable! If there is ever a post you want to nominate for Post of the Month, you can find the submission form here.

» We're #1!

Posted on Mon Mar 22nd, 2021 @ 11:50am by Captain Mrazak in Sim Announcement

As most of you know, Memory Theta has been a contestant in the Ongoing Worlds Annual Tournament of Sims for the past few years. Sims from any fleet or club, any genre or format, are permitted to enter the contest. This year the ToS had 64 entrants. I am delighted to share that not only were we awarded for the third year in a row, but Memory Theta received the highest raw score of 73 points out of 90 possible (3 judges scoring 3 categories on a scale from 1 to 10) and a score of 4.19 adjusted (with 1 appearing to be the baseline -- the lowest was -5). I'll share some more details and feedback in the Discord, but I wanted to hand this award off to all of you because you were the ones who made it happen. The wider sim community recognizes you as the best of the best. It is my honor to sim with all of you.

Check out the blog entry below for more details about the contest and a full listing of all winners.

Latest Mission Posts

» What Is The Price Of Truth?

Mission: S1E6: Where Skies End
Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2024 @ 1:03am by Commander Arianna Frost & Ferrofax & Captain Akiva ben-Avram

Getting from the Bay to the Lab could not take longer in Arianna's mind as she took the standard route there, making sure she acted casual and without raising too many eyebrows. The scene from mere moments ago kept replaying in her head. She was analyzing every word, every mannerism…

» It Takes An Orchestra To Play A Symphony

Mission: S1E6: Where Skies End
Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2024 @ 1:02am by Commander Arianna Frost & Lieutenant Calderon Jarsdel & Ferrofax & Captain Akiva ben-Avram & Taskmaster

After they'd both performed what tracing they could, via witness statements and sensor logs, Arianna and Akiva were still no closer to locating the wayward Khaiel dh'Ikatsi, as they'd expected. So, after collating and doctoring the report enough to warrant Taskmaster's attention, Arianna had sent off a request for a…

» The Cat's Cradle of the Maker of Ways

Mission: S1E6: Where Skies End
Posted on Fri Jun 28th, 2024 @ 7:05pm by Captain Mrazak & Shamus O'Tool

“Maker of Ways, thank you for providing such guidance as this. Scopes, tell me I ain’t seein’n ghosties?”

The Breen at the sensor console tweedled and beeped, and went to work on their controls. The one beige armoured form of a standard Breen trooper armour was now a scrimshaw of…

» On the Shores of Darkness

Mission: S1E6: Where Skies End
Posted on Fri Jun 28th, 2024 @ 6:42pm by Captain Mrazak & Lieutenant JG Ryland Dedeker & Lieutenant Commander BaoJun Qiao & Lieutenant Commander Finley Chu & Lieutenant Sophie Xiong & Ensign Rozreell Purr & Gunnery Sergeant Roderik Kos & Ferrofax & Lieutenant Commander T'Bela & Lieutenant Commander Leonora Wolf MD & Lieutenant Teejay

When the Phantom dropped out of warp, the bridge was bathed in a low, ominous glow from the array of consoles and displays.

"Engage MARS," Mrazak ordered. It was the closest thing to a cloaking device they had. While at full-stop, they would be completely invisible. "Silent running while we…

» Folie à Trois

Mission: S1E6: Where Skies End
Posted on Tue May 14th, 2024 @ 12:01am by Captain Mrazak & Lieutenant JG Ryland Dedeker & Ensign Rozreell Purr

High above the bustling activity of Gamma Command, the Phantom held a silent vigil in orbit. Ryland hadn’t much else to do. Nothing was making him set foot off this ship in the Gamma Quadrant. Might as well keep it flight-ready. But then a communication channel opened.

=/\=”Mrazak to Phantom.”=/\=…

Latest Personal Logs

» "Down With Gareth Tau" - Federation News Network bulletin

Posted on Fri May 14th, 2021 @ 7:20pm by Rear Admiral Gareth Tau

BYNAUS, JANUARY 2389 - The Alpha Quadrant is a dynamic region of space where many Federation members call home. Citizens of the Federation look to Starfleet not only to discover new worlds and make new allies, but also ensure the general defense and stability of everyone within its borders. By…

» The Sol Disruption

Posted on Wed Feb 24th, 2021 @ 9:36pm by Captain Mrazak

Field Team Leader's Log, Supplemental

It should be noted that while this was yet another successful mission under my direct supervision and leadership, the Theta report was a self-generated one. The FORTUNETELLER artifact, MT-0001, delivered a premonition of widespread destruction whose epicenter was within the Sol system but would eventually…

» Long Reach of the Black Hand!

Posted on Sun Aug 9th, 2020 @ 12:47pm by Black Nagus Lurk

Memory Theta, my abiding rival in the Game of Acquisition. How the mighty have been brought low! You had thought yourselves free from my grasp, first in your lucky victory snatched from my grasp on Bynaus and then by uprooting my mole in your computer network. So unprepared, were you…

» Arrival

Posted on Sat Mar 24th, 2018 @ 12:13pm by Lieutenant JG Zork

“I thought I knew what I’d be getting into, but this place is past the beacon. Way past. The administrator - well, the interim administrator I guess - and the Intelligence Liaison are both off the station, so my first report for duty I was pretty much on my own.…