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Good News, Everyone! Part 1

Posted on Mon Aug 6th, 2018 @ 1:19pm by Captain Akiva ben-Avram & Captain Mrazak
Edited on on Sun Aug 19th, 2018 @ 4:49pm

Mission: S1E2: Half Past Dead
Location: Administrator Office
Timeline: MD 1

It had been approximately a month since Bynaus. Change had been set upon an entire world through Memory Theta's actions. For many staff members of Memory Theta, their own personal worlds had seen changes just as drastic. Life has a way of settling, though, no matter the turmoil. In many instances, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

"No means no, Mrazak!"

"I won't let this go, ben-Avram!"

Akiva stood with his back to the corner, hand pressed against Mrazak's chest. "I won't let you take her!"

"It belongs in Deep Storage!" Mrazak said, pointing around Akiva's body to the stasis pod which held Biynah's body. "It's an unnecessary draw on the station's power!"

"I outfitted a power converter to resolve that issue," Akiva countered.

"You made an unapproved alteration to the station?" Mrazak's eyes bulged. "I'll report you!"

"It was approved."

"By whom?" Mrazak gave him a suspicious askance look.

"By me." Akiva folded his arms.

Mrazak threw his arms in the air. "That's not how this works! You can't just do whatever you want, ben-Avram!"

"Tell that to Lieutenant Kiril. And Lieutenant Qiao. Lieutenant McKay..." Akiva glanced sideways as he numbered personnel off with his fingers. "Have I left anybody out?"

"What about that Orion with which you polluted my Science department?" Mrazak shot back.

Akiva smoldered with barely contained rage. His hands clenched into fists at his side, his lips pursed into a scowl that was no less tight. "Get. Out."

"Not without that artifact in hand," Mrazak said. "Or, rather, in tow." He had no intention of manually carrying the android's remains.

Before Akiva could respond, a voice broke out through the comms system.

=/\="Ops to Commander ben-Avram,"=/\= said a female voice with a soft lilt.

Akiva and Mrazak glared at one another, each silently promising that the matter was far from over.

"Ben-Avram here," Akiva said with a tap to his shoulder.

=/\="We have company. An authorized vessel is on approach with a VIP who alleges a dire emergency. Her codes are old, but they check out."=/\=

The news made Akiva put aside his harsh feelings for Mrazak. He furrowed his brow in thought -- Theta alerts came in every day, though few of them were actionable. The one mission since Bynaus had been a simple snatch-and-grab that didn't even require the entire field team. But it had still come through official channels. Admiral Nyel would have announced herself straight away. "Did she give a name?"

=/\="Yes, sir. Captain Jeannette Armitage."=/\=

Mrazak's blood ran cold. While Akiva shook his head and muttered his ignorance of the name, Mrazak instead sprang to action. "We need everyone. Assemble everyone!" He looked up at the ceiling. "Did you hear me, Ferrofax? Get everyone to the Observation deck now!"

"I take it you've met," Akiva said.

"Unfortunately, yes. Not for the woman, but for the annihilation in her wake," Mrazak said, his voice becoming frantic. He bolted toward the door. "That woman is the Harbinger of Death and Ruin!"

Akiva was left standing at the empty office. He had grown accustomed to Mrazak's energetic personality, but that surprised even him. "Guide Captain Armitage to Pylon 1," Akiva told the remote Ops officer who had undoubtedly overheard the entire exchange. "Inform her I'll meet her at there personally. Ben-Avram out."


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