Departments & Positions
Starfleet Command (Allies & Colleagues)
TF 72 Executive Officer Executive Officer of Task Force 72 Starfleet Command Liaison OSI Director Director of the Office of Special Investigations Starfleet Security Auditor OSI Operative Operative for the Office of Special Investigations Starfleet Intelligence Operative Terraforming Specialist -
Facility Personnel (Primary Manifest)
Facility Administrator Deputy Administrator Starfleet Intelligence Liaison Station Commandant Facility Infrastructure Chief of Astrometrics Chief Medical Officer The Chief Medical Officer oversees the health, well-being, and medical treatment of all station personnel. Archive Curator Master-at-Arms The M-a-A supports the Station Commandant and oversees security protocols, armory inventories, and personnel compliance. Barkeeper New Applicant Choose this position if the desired role for your character does not appear on the manifest. We can create it once your application is approved. Diplomatic Attaché -
Field Team (Primary Manifest)
Field Team Leader Shipboard AI -
Lead Science Specialist Xenoscience Specialist Forensic Science Specialist Geoscience Specialist Specialist in the Earth Science fields. Psychology and Psionics Specialist Science Adjutant -
Lead Biomedical Specialist Biocybernetics Specialist -
Tactical & Security
Lead Tactical-Security Specialist Lead Security Specialist Tactical Demolitions Specialist Site Exploitation Specialist Automatic Rifleman Designated Marksman Rifleman/Scout -
Flight Control
Lead Flight Control Specialist -
Lead Engineering Specialist Computer Science Specialist Tactical Engineer QSD Specialist The quantum slipstream drive is the latest cutting edge technology in the Federation. The QSD Specialist is the Engineering staff's preeminent expert on all matters pertaining to the experimental drive. -
Lead Technical Specialist
Independent Rogues (Rogues Gallery)
Memory Theta is not the only clandestine entity in the race to acquire dangerous knowledge, artifacts, and discoveries. Rogues can be any recurring adversary, trickster, or rival encountered by Memory Theta personnel.
Rogue This character displays adverse motivations or goals to Memory Theta. -
Black Nagus
Black Nagus Rogue
Fiddler's Green (Rogues Gallery)
Proprietor Rogue