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Posted on Mon Jan 14th, 2019 @ 10:11pm by Lieutenant JG Ryland Dedeker

Mission: Mission 0: Everybody Has A Story
Location: Starbase 375
Timeline: 2387

"Down, boys."

Ryland regarded the Security officers with measured indifference. Their phasers were dangerous, even if they only drew them in warning, but he kept his body language from recognizing the threat. "I'm sure the Commodore knew I was just being poetic."

The Security officers cast a glance at the flag officer, who waved a dismissive hand in response.

"If Mr. Dedeker could return to his seat, we will continue," the Staff Judge Advocate said. "Computer, repeat the last statements from a minute ago."

"Replaying recording from requested interval," the computer said with a warble. The voices of the commodore and Ryland soon followed.

"You should be grateful you have only lost your commission, Mr. Dedeker. It was not long ago that you were a wanted fugitive in the Federation."

"Yeah, Sinclair? I'll stick my gratitude straight up your shriveled ass right next to your shiny bald head."

The Judge Advocate coughed. "Computer, end replay."

Commodore Sinclair stared daggers at Ryland who bit back a chuckle. "Your Honor, let the record reflect Mr. Dedeker's utter disregard for the chain of command and proper conduct of an officer."

"If it doesn't reflect that, I'd be happy to say it again," Ryland said. "Your Honor, let the record reflect that Commodore Sinclair is an asshole of the highest order--"

The Judge Advocate banged her gavel. "That's enough, Mr. Dedeker."

"--and when he finally dies of old age in his glassed-in office, I will find his grave just so I can piss on it."

"I said that's enough!" The judge repeatedly banged her gavel in rapid succession.

Rather than reply to her, Ryland turned around in his chair to look at the Security officers in the corner. "Did you hear that? Something for yall to look forward to." He winked at the surly goldshirts.

"Anything else like that out of you, Mr. Dedeker, and I will have you thrown in the brig for contempt."

Ryland tipped an invisible hat and rolled his fingers toward the judge.

Commodore Sinclair was seething behind his end of the shared table. With the Judge Advocate between Ryland and Sinclair, there was only so much shouting that could be expected before both were thrown out.

"In light of this display of flagrant insubordination, I move to dismiss the deal set before the court," Sinclair said.

For a moment, Ryland actually wondered if the Judge Advocate would agree. The flinch in her posture certainly hinted as much. "No," she said at length. "The orders have already been filed with Starfleet Command. This hearing is simply a formality. Although, Commodore, I will recommend a formal reprimand to be placed on his service record."

"Not good enough," Sinclair said.

"Then take it up with his commanding officer," the Judge Advocate said, "and I will not be spoken to in that manner again, or you will find yourself under contempt yourself, Commodore."

Sinclair clamped down, which prompted another silent snicker from Ryland.

"As for you, Mr. Dedeker, I suggest that you carefully consider your future with Starfleet," the judge said. "You have been given a second chance, which you are burning through at an astonishing rate in the--" she checked her chronometer, "13 minutes since being reinstated."

"While it's good to finally have my name cleared from my brother's criminal charges, this 'recompense package' is utter bullshit," Ryland said. "Considering how hard and deep I was fucked over in the first place, Your Honor, Starfleet should be grateful that I came back at all."

"No one is stopping you from returning to the Nyberrite Alliance," Sinclar interjected.

Not that you know of, Ryland thought. Aloud, he said, "I'm here now. I just want to know when I'll get my wings back."

"In a word," Sinclair said slowly, drawing out each syllable in gleeful, sadistic triumph. "Never."

Ryland snarled at the smug commodore, but his trademark grin turned it into a sneer. "That's not up to you."

"Gentlemen, we are getting nowhere," the judge interjected with more gavel pounding. "I will now render the remainder of the verdict with silence from all present, and then retire to my chambers." She cleared her throat. "In the case of Ryland Augustus Dedeker, former Commander of the Starfighter Wing of Starbase 375, it is the determination of the Judge Advocate General's office that, upon the redaction of his charges of misconduct and desertion, Mr. Dedeker shall return to service in Starfleet sans his officer's commission for the reduced charge of unauthorized absence, and is to be placed on the next available ship as a senior non-commissioned officer with due consideration given to his services rendered to a foreign power. As such, Command has assigned placement as the Shuttle Bay Manager aboard the USS Vindex. The full transfer order can be picked up from the JAG clerk."

"The Nyberrites aren't a foreign power," Ryland muttered once she was finished. He really wanted to return to his old interceptor. That had been his entire reason for returning to Starfleet. Well, that and his pride, but little value that held now.

"Your experience with that ragtag mercenary fleet will undoubtedly serve you well in your new role." Sinclair filtered his disdain through his wide, crooked grin. "Welcome back, Chief."

Ryland was up and halfway over the table before the Security detail restrained him to the floor.

Three hours later, Ryland sat in the brig with his arms folded and a shiny black eye. When the doors swished open out of sight, he figured it was just a shift change with the brig officer. Instead, it was the Staff Judge Advocate.

"Well, howdy, Your Honor," Ryland said glibly.

"Stow it, Ryland. It's just us." She crossed her arms to match Ryland.

"So, what? Are we supposed to make nice now? Are you going to whisper in my ear that you're on my side and it's all going to work out in the end?" Ryland glared at her with eyes that shimmered in accusing betrayal.

"It's not like that," she said. "You know I have to be objective."

"Objective?" Ryland was on his feet, hands waving. "Shit, Pen. You threw me to the goddamn wolves!"

Penelope Dedeker-Delahunt, the Staff Judge Advocate of Starbase 375, shook her head. "I could've set my career back ten years by not recusing myself from your case. That could still happen if Sinclair ever caught wind that we're family. You're just lucky that Admiral Ghelfi didn't get involved."

"I don't care one bloody piss about JAG or your chances of sucking him off some day," Ryland retorted. "You took my wings from me. There isn't anything else you can say that will make that better."

"There wasn't anything I could do," Pen countered. "When the chips fell, you ran. It was all I could do to keep the rest of the family clear from Max's charges. Even now I've been a Staff Advocate Judge for less than a year. Like I said, you're lucky--"

"I don't feel lucky, Pen." Ryland pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. I know shit got real. That's why I left in the first place. You moved heaven and earth for me. I know that, really. I do. Only a slagfrakker would expect more." They looked at one another as near strangers. "You... you should go," Ryland said softly. "You couldn't help me then, but you helped me now. I can't ask any more. I won't. So, you should go. Forget about me before anyone finds out what you did."

Penelope looked conflicted. "What are you going to do?"

"Work the shit detail you landed for me," Ryland said. "I'll do one shit detail after another, as long as it takes, until I get behind the stick again." His lips turned into his familiar cocksure grin. "And then I'll show them what they've been missing."


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