

  • 1 Mission Posts

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Wed Aug 7th, 2024 @ 3:32am

Staff Warrant Officer Taline Anyx

Name Taline Anyx

Rank Staff Warrant Officer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Orion
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3
Weight 98lbs
Hair Color Black with Green Highlights
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Taline defies the stereotypical Orion with minimal curves to speak of and dresses in form-fitting attire to compensate. Her face shifts between a perpetual frown and smirk, though usually frozen somewhere in between.


Mother Taryn Anyx, Lady of the Summer Solstice (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sassy, smarmy, sarcastic, and ultimately competent, Taline performs her duty while marching to her own drum. As the scion of a defunct Orion Syndicate cell, she had to start a new life in the Federation. So far, she is unimpressed.

Personal History Orphaned just before arriving at adulthood when the Federation Marshals killed her mother in a smuggling sting, Taline briefly became a ward of the Federation and broke every law related to cybercrime as well as many of the traditional variety. In exchange for her record being expunged, she agreed to enlist in Starfleet where her skills in SIGINT drew the attention of Starfleet Intelligence. It's not the freedom of Orion space, but the morally gray areas of SFI were better than standard starship service. Taline breaks the rules but knows to stay inside the lines enough not to botch her deal.
Service Record [Classified]