
Lieutenant Uziz Uxian

Name Uziz Uxian

Position Rogue

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Edosian

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 180lbs
Hair Color N/A
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Like all Edosians, Uziz is tripedal with three arms and three fingers on each hand. His unique gait lends him an atypical posture as compared to most humanoids. He often sits and walks with a slouch.


Personality & Traits

General Overview The epitome of codependency, Uziz is a beta-male who attaches himself to a strong authority figure and does not let go.
Strengths & Weaknesses

+ Crack shot with everything from handheld projectiles to starship weapons
+ Follows orders to the nth degree
+Very agile and coordinated

- Tends to be a pushover
- Penchant for overkill
- Definition of "extra"
Ambitions None. He'll have a small helping of yours, however.

Personal History Uziz began his career as a starfighter pilot, but his piloting skills left something to be desired. Slowly through a string of failures, he was phased out of Flight Control altogether and nearly Starfleet itself. His uncanny aim has made him an invaluable asset to any Tactical department, particularly with his ability to perform a full weapons spread unassisted by the targeting computer. When the Chimaera first launched, he served as Assistant Chief of Tactical under Sayuri. After Sayuri declared her mutinous intentions to the rest of the crew, Uziz was the first non-mutineer to grab her proverbial boot and start licking.
Service Record 2380-2382
USS Apophis - ENS, Starfighter

USS Apophis - ENS, Shuttlecraft/Runabout Pilot

USS Gryphon - LTJG, Tactical Officer/Relief Shuttlecraft Pilot

USS Gryphon - LT, Chief Tactical Officer

USS Chimaera - LT, Assistant Chief of Tactical


USS Chimaera - Master Gunner