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Sat Feb 27th, 2021 @ 11:31pm

Lieutenant Sr'asi

Name Sr'asi

Position Rogue

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Caitian
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 154lbs
Hair Color Light Tan
Eye Color Red
Physical Description Sr’asi is a typical Caitian male, though he is much thinner than most. He has light tan fur, deep red eyes (a rare-but familial trait) and a tail that almost reaches the floor. His ears are large and pointed and are capable of hearing things that most humanoids cannot. Because of his heightened sense of hearing, he is sensitive to noise and can even find certain audible noises painful or distracting.


Father Major General M’rayr is the Director of Starfleet Security on Cait. He is domineering and controlling and has been known to meddle in his son’s life and career.
Mother Per’sia is a quiet woman who learned long ago not to defy her husband and his wishes. Though she tried to protect her son, there was no way she could stand up against her husband.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sr’asi is a hot-tempered young man with a guarded heart and a penchant for being self-critical. He is loyal and devoted, but will always put his own needs before the needs of others. Adventurous and charismatic, Sr’asi is a thrill seeker and enjoys the dangers presented by testing the limits. Sr’asi also has a mouth that speaks whatever he is thinking, regardless of whether it is appropriate or not.

While loyalty is a word some would use, most don't realize that Sr'asi feels no specific loyalty to Starfleet beyond what is expected to keep his career in tact. Being forced to join Starfleet by his father, against his will, Sr'asi is biding his time until he can leave the fleet and finally be out on his own.
Ambitions Sr’asi’s ambitions are to rise through the ranks and become a Commanding Officer. It is important to note that these ambitions are not of his own choosing but rather his father’s.
Hobbies & Interests Being a pilot, Sr’asi loves to fly. Though he is good at flying starships, he prefers smaller craft. The young man also enjoys gymnastics, having discovered his dexterity early in life. A lover of music, he always wished he had learned to play an instrument, but, growing up, that was never a worthy pastime for his father.

Personal History Sr’asi was born on March 2nd, 2362 in Ferridum City, Cait to Per’sia and M’rayr. Early life wasn’t easy for the young Sr’asi with a father in Starfleet. Major General M’rayr was Director of Starfleet Security on Cait and quickly chose to groom his son for a career in Starfleet. Despite his initial reluctance, Sr’asi quickly learned that you do not say no to the General. He began training alongside some of M’rayr’s staff and quickly became familiar with the inner workings of Starfleet.

When Sr’asi turned 17, he applied for Starfleet Academy. The General suggested he join the Marines, but the young Caitian made it very clear that he was interested in becoming a fighter pilot. In spite of his son’s wishes, M’rayr decided that Sr’asi would become a Starship pilot instead, as it set him on a better path to becoming a CO. Without argument, Sr’asi agreed with the General’s decision and left for Earth.

Starfleet Academy was an environment that Sr’asi excelled in. His familiarity with Starfleet and years of living with a high ranking officer gave him a large advantage over the others in his class. Regardless of this advantage, Sr’asi did not graduate at the top of his class as the General would have wanted, and brought disappointment to his father.

The blemish to his family notwithstanding, Sr’asi took a posting on the USS Calloway, a Sovereign-class vessel, as a Shuttle Pilot. His time aboard the Calloway was mostly spent trying to be the best he could be, in an effort to regain his father’s pride and confidence. After a year on board, he was promoted and given the responsibility of Flight Control Officer. He remained in this position for two more years before being transferred to the USS Eclipse.

The Eclipse was a different posting for Sr’asi. Being a smaller ship allowed him to hold a higher position than one would normally for his young age and rank. As Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer, he spent quite a bit of time on the Bridge, at the Helm. This is how he met Eryn Anahr, a young Trill scientist aboard the Nova-class vessel. It didn’t take long for the two men to fall in love and they spent every waking moment together. But as the two became closer, the General became more and more concerned. Troubled by the distraction that Eryn posed to his son’s career, General M’rayr requested the scientist be transferred to a different posting that would keep him away from his son.

Sr’asi spent the next few months heartbroken over the loss of his first love, a loss he completely blamed his father for. In his anger, he demanded that his father request a new posting for him, a request that the General agreed to do. Sr’asi was soon transferred to the USS Chimaera as its new Chief Flight Control Officer. Sr'asi was very proud of the transfer, despite his ill feelings towards his father. Though he knew nepotism was a big part of why he got the job, he also knew how good of a pilot he was and would be able to quickly prove himself worthy of the position. But as fate would have it, thanks to the mutiny he wouldn't quite get that chance.
Service Record === 2379 - 2383 ===
Starfleet Academy
Flight Control Major

=== 2383 - 2384 ===
USS Calloway
Shuttle Pilot

=== 2384 - 2386 ===
USS Calloway
Flight Control Officer

=== 2386 - 2388 ===
USS Eclipse
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer

=== 2388 - PRESENT ===
USS Chimaera
Chief Flight Control Officer/Navigator